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FAN control OMV Auyfan 0.10.12: gitlab-ci-linux-build-184, Kernel 5.6

  • Hey,

    I will do it in english, hope it is okay. Thanks, for very informative forum.

    My question is, is it possible to control the FAN in the newest OMV Auyfan 0.10.12: gitlab-ci-linux-build-184, Kernel 5.6?
    The install was very easy no problems at all, the only problem is i did try some different commands to reach the fan, but was not able to get it going. Do somebody know how? Thanks.

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Soeren,

    I have this succesfully running.

    Kind Regards

  • @mabs sagte in FAN control OMV Auyfan 0.10.12: gitlab-ci-linux-build-184, Kernel 5.6:

    Hi Soeren,

    I have this succesfully running.

    Kind Regards

    Thanks, i will try the fan tool again. I'm almost sure i did try without luck, have you edited something in the fan tool conf..?

  • Hi,

    I only played with two parameters.

    I have two rockpro64 boards, currently one has a small fan and the other one has a large fan.

    Therefore I changed PROFILE_NR accordingly.

    Also I have ALWAYS_ON on true on the one with the large fan, but don't see a difference. The fan goes on and off still, maybe I misinterpreted the parameter.

    Also I just noticed now that the CTL settings of the version on github changed slightly, but I think this only improved the detection depending of the kernel settings.


  • @mabs

    With the new OMV kernel 5.6 image from Auyfan, i can't get the FAN to spin - If the fan spins it runs really slow, no sound from the fan.

    With the FAN tool the master installation "failed" and with the release installation it did report "active"..
    I have installed a 92mm FAN inside the NAS case, it runs on Armbian with kernel 5.4.32

    I will open op the case later today to be sure. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    Now i did find the fan, here it goes "nano /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1" it is at "0" can be controlled to "255"

    Best Regards.

  • Yes that is basically the way ATS is doing the changing as well I think, as those /sys entries are in the _CTL variables.

    good that you got it working, or are you only half way?


  • @mabs

    The tool works on all image under 5.4 or so for me. But yes i am at the finish line, just wanted the fan to be always on. Just wanted to share, if someone will run in the same problems. Thanks.

  • Helpful Thread!

    But, ATS don't work for me on kernel 5.6 with ayufan release. Only this command works.

    nano /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1

    Thanks @soerenderfor for the hint.

  • Ok, problem in ATS is this?

    -- FAN Control[ String ]
    	PWM_CTL		= {
  • @FrankM - did you try fix the ATS tool, if yes. Will it Work?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi,

    since I'm currently change my rockpro64 setup I came across this.

    With the kernel from ayufan you need to set PWM_CTL to


    for my self compiled one I need


    But I got it only working with one entry for PWM_CTL e.g.

    PWM_CTL		= "/sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm1",

    after that you need to start ats again

    sudo systemctl stop ats
    sudo systemctl start ats

    initially the fan should start immediately for a short period of time.

    In case it is even a different one on your kernel you can find the right one using this command.

    sudo find /sys -name pwm1 | grep hwmon

    So far I'm not sure which kernel parameter or modul changes this.


  • ZFS - Wichtige Befehle

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    Unter dem Beitrag sammel ich mal ein paar Beispiele, für mich zum Nachlesen 🙂

    Den Anfang macht die


    Ich hatte Am Anfang ein wenig Verständnisprobleme, bis es klar war, das diese Replication von Pool zu Pool funktioniert. Also brauchen wir zwei vorhandene ZFS-Pools.

    root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# zfs list NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT Backup_Home 222G 677G 222G /mnt/datastore/Backup_Home datapool 2.36G 1.75T 2.36G /mnt/datastore/datapool

    Wir erzeugen ein Dataset im datapool

    zfs create datapool/docs -o mountpoint=/docs

    Wir erzeugen eine Datei mit Inhalt

    echo "version 1" > /docs/data.txt

    Wir erzeugen einen Snapshot

    zfs snapshot datapool/docs@today


    root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# zfs list -t snapshot NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT datapool/docs@today 0B - 96K -

    Wir replizieren den vorhandenen Snapshot zum ZFS-Pool Backup_Home und speichern ihn da im Dataset test.

    zfs send datapool/docs@today | zfs receive Backup_Home/test

    Nun befinden sich die Daten in dem anderen ZFS-Pool

    root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# ls /mnt/datastore/Backup_Home/test/ data.txt

    Und was mich am meisten interessiert, ist wie man das zu einem anderen Server schickt 😉

    zfs send datapool/docs@today | ssh otherserver zfs receive backuppool/backup

    Den Test reiche ich dann später nach.


    ZFS inkrementelle Replication

    Als, nur die geänderten Daten senden!

    Wir erzeugen ein paar Dateien

    root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# echo "data" > /docs/data1.txt root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# echo "data" > /docs/data2.txt root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# echo "data" > /docs/data3.txt root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# echo "data" > /docs/data4.txt

    Neuer Snapshot

    zfs snapshot datapool/docs@17:02

    Liste der Snapshots

    root@pbs:/mnt/datastore/datapool/test# zfs list -t snapshot NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT datapool/docs@today 56K - 96K - datapool/docs@17:02 0B - 112K -

    Wir senden dieinkrementelle Replication

    zfs send -vi datapool/docs@today datapool/docs@17:02 | zfs receive Backup_Home/test send from datapool/docs@today to datapool/docs@17:02 estimated size is 38.6K total estimated size is 38.6K cannot receive incremental stream: destination Backup_Home/test has been modified since most recent snapshot

    Dazu schreibt die Anleitung, die ich unten verlinkt habe, das die Daten verändert wurden. Warum, verstehe ich aktuell noch nicht. Mit -F im send Befehl erzwingt man einen Rollback zum letzten Snapshot.

    zfs send -vi datapool/docs@today datapool/docs@17:02 | zfs receive -F Backup_Home/test send from datapool/docs@today to datapool/docs@17:02 estimated size is 38.6K total estimated size is 38.6K

    Und Kontrolle

    ls /mnt/datastore/Backup_Home/test/ data1.txt data2.txt data3.txt data4.txt data.txt


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