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Restic v0.12.0 released

  • Restic ist in einer neuer Version erschienen. Die Änderungen sind zu viel, um sie hier aufzulisten. Dazu schaut bitte hier rein.

    Wenn man Restic schon installiert hat, kann man ab Version 0.9.4 ganz bequem so, seine Installation aktualisieren.

    restic self-update

    So sieht das dann aus

    root@:~# restic self-update 
    writing restic to /usr/bin/restic
    find latest release of restic at GitHub
    latest version is 0.12.0
    download SHA256SUMS
    download SHA256SUMS.asc
    GPG signature verification succeeded
    download restic_0.12.0_linux_amd64.bz2
    downloaded restic_0.12.0_linux_amd64.bz2
    saved 19283968 bytes in /usr/bin/restic
    successfully updated restic to version 0.12.0
    root@:~# restic version
    restic 0.12.0 compiled with go1.15.8 on linux/amd64

    Die prune Funktion soll signifikant schneller sein.

    prune Remove unneeded data from the repository

    Ich werde berichten.

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  • FAN control OMV Auyfan 0.10.12: gitlab-ci-linux-build-184, Kernel 5.6

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    Hi, since I'm currently change my rockpro64 setup I came across this. With the kernel from ayufan you need to set PWM_CTL to /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon3/pwm1 for my self compiled one I need /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm1 But I got it only working with one entry for PWM_CTL e.g. PWM_CTL = "/sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm1", after that you need to start ats again sudo systemctl stop ats sudo systemctl start ats initially the fan should start immediately for a short period of time. In case it is even a different one on your kernel you can find the right one using this command. sudo find /sys -name pwm1 | grep hwmon So far I'm not sure which kernel parameter or modul changes this. Martin
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    Hat ein wenig Nerven gekostet und der Artikel ist auch was länger geworden Viel Spaß beim Lesen und testen!