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ROCKPro64 - Reset & Power Taster (extern)

  • 0_1536004071267_DSC_0036_res_power.JPG

    Wenn sich mal jemand fragen sollte, für was die sind!? Damit kann man den Reset und Power Button nach extern verlegen. Also, Drähte dran und Taster in einem Gehäuse z.B. benutzen.

    Der Chef von schrieb dazu

    the REC should be "RES" and sorry on the typo. "PWR" is Power On Switch and "REC" is Reset Switch.


    The four pins is the mirror to the reset and power on switches and allows developers, especially casing that has its own power and reset buttons to derive out these two signals. Original plan to put a connector there but worry about block with PCIe card. you may ask where put the connector on this place that knowing may block PCIe card, the answer is layout engineer already runs out of idea on the suitable place.


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