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Ansible - Proxmox Server bearbeiten

  • Aktuell habe ich durch eine Erkrankung etwas mehr Zeit für die Konsole, sodass ich angefangen habe, die Setups aller meiner Server zu vereinheitlichen. Anfangen wollte ich dazu mit meinem lokalen Proxmox. Dabei kam mir wieder in den Sinn, das ich auch noch ein Debian Bookworm 12 Template brauchte.

    Also, das aktuelle Debian Image heruntergeladen. Mit diesem dann einen Debian Bookworm 12 Server aufgesetzt. Jetzt brauchte ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt einen Zugang mit SSH-Key (für mein Semaphore).

    Also habe ich schon mal zwei SSH-Keys eingefügt. Einmal meinen Haupt-PC und einmal den Semaphore Server. Danach den Server in ein Template umgewandelt.


    105 ist das Template, 106 ein damit erstellter Test-Server. Ok, das läuft wie erwartet, jetzt möchte ich den Server durch konfigurieren, so wie ich das gerne haben möchte. Da es hier um Ansible geht, brauche ich dazu ein Playbook.

    # Playbook for my Proxmox VMs
    - name: My task
      hosts: proxmox_test
        # Update && Upgrade installed packages and install a set of base software
        - name: Update apt package cache.
            update_cache: yes
            cache_valid_time: 600
        - name: Upgrade installed apt packages.
            upgrade: 'yes'
        - name: Ensure that a base set of software packages are installed.
             - crowdsec
             - crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
             - duf
             - htop
             - needrestart
             - psmisc
             - python3-openssl
             - ufw
            state: latest
        # Setup UFW
        - name: Enable UFW
            state: enabled
        - name: Set policy IN
            direction: incoming
            policy: deny
        - name: Set policy OUT
            direction: outgoing
            policy: allow
        - name: Set logging
            logging: 'on'
        - name: Allow OpenSSH rule
            rule: allow
            name: OpenSSH
        - name: Allow HTTP rule
            rule: allow
            port: 80
            proto: tcp
        - name: Allow HTTPS rule
            rule: allow
            port: 443
            proto: tcp
        # Setup CrowdSEC
        - name: Add one line to crowdsec config.yaml
            path: /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
            #search_string: '<FilesMatch ".php[45]?$">'
            insertafter: '^db_config:'
            line: '  use_wal: true'
        # Generate Self-Signed SSL Certificate
        # for this we need python3-openssl on the client
        - name: Create a new directory www at given path
            path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/
            state: directory
            mode: '0755'
        - name: Create private key (RSA, 4096 bits)
            path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/privkey.pem
        - name: Create simple self-signed certificate
            path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/fullchain.pem
            privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/privkey.pem
            provider: selfsigned
        - name: Check if the private key exists
            path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/privkey.pem
          register: privkey_stat
        - name: Renew self-signed certificate
            path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/fullchain.pem
            privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/self-signed_ssl/privkey.pem
            provider: selfsigned
          when: privkey_stat.stat.exists and privkey_stat.stat.size > 0
        # Check for new kernel and reboot
        - name: Check if a new kernel is available
          ansible.builtin.command: needrestart -k -p > /dev/null; echo $?
          register: result
          ignore_errors: yes
        - name: Restart the server if new kernel is available
          ansible.builtin.command: reboot
          when: result.rc == 2
          async: 1
          poll: 0
        - name: Wait for the reboot and reconnect
            port: 22
            host: '{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
            search_regex: OpenSSH
            delay: 10
            timeout: 60
          connection: local
        - name: Check the Uptime of the servers
          shell: "uptime"
          register: Uptime
        - debug: var=Uptime.stdout

    In dem Inventory muss der Server drin sein, den man bearbeiten möchte. Also, so was

    [proxmox_test] # BookwormTEST


    • Wir aktualisieren alle Pakete
    • Wir installieren, von mir festgelegte Pakete
    • Konfiguration UFW
    • Konfiguration CrowdSec
    • Konfiguration selbst signiertes Zertifikat
    • Kontrolle ob neuer Kernel vorhanden ist, wenn ja Reboot
    • Uptime - Kontrolle ob Server erfolgreich gestartet ist

    Danach ist der Server so, wie ich ihn gerne hätte.

    • Aktuell
    • ufw - Port 22, 80 und 443 auf (SSH, HTTP & HTTPS)
    • CrowdSec als fail2ban Ersatz
    • Selbst signierte Zertifikate benutze ich nur für lokale Server

    Die erfolgreiche Ausgabe in Semaphore, sieht so aus.

     12:38:16 PM
    Task 384 added to queue
    12:38:21 PM
    Preparing: 384
    12:38:21 PM
    Prepare TaskRunner with template: Proxmox configure Proxmox Template
    12:38:22 PM
    12:38:22 PM
    e7c8531..c547cfc master -> origin/master
    12:38:22 PM
    Updating Repository
    12:38:23 PM
    12:38:23 PM
    * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
    12:38:23 PM
    Aktualisiere e7c8531..c547cfc
    12:38:23 PM
    12:38:23 PM
    proxmox_template_configuration.yml | 5 +++++
    12:38:23 PM
    1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
    12:38:23 PM
    Get current commit hash
    12:38:23 PM
    Get current commit message
    12:38:23 PM
    installing static inventory
    12:38:23 PM
    No collections/requirements.yml file found. Skip galaxy install process.
    12:38:23 PM
    No roles/requirements.yml file found. Skip galaxy install process.
    12:38:26 PM
    Started: 384
    12:38:26 PM
    Run TaskRunner with template: Proxmox configure Proxmox Template
    12:38:26 PM
    12:38:26 PM
    PLAY [My task] *****************************************************************
    12:38:26 PM
    12:38:26 PM
    TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
    12:38:28 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:28 PM
    12:38:28 PM
    TASK [Update apt package cache.] ***********************************************
    12:38:29 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:29 PM
    12:38:29 PM
    TASK [Upgrade installed apt packages.] *****************************************
    12:38:30 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:30 PM
    12:38:30 PM
    TASK [Ensure that a base set of software packages are installed.] **************
    12:38:31 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:31 PM
    12:38:31 PM
    TASK [Enable UFW] **************************************************************
    12:38:32 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:32 PM
    12:38:32 PM
    TASK [Set policy IN] ***********************************************************
    12:38:34 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:34 PM
    12:38:34 PM
    TASK [Set policy OUT] **********************************************************
    12:38:36 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:36 PM
    12:38:36 PM
    TASK [Set logging] *************************************************************
    12:38:37 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:37 PM
    12:38:37 PM
    TASK [Allow OpenSSH rule] ******************************************************
    12:38:37 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:37 PM
    12:38:37 PM
    TASK [Allow HTTP rule] *********************************************************
    12:38:38 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:38 PM
    12:38:38 PM
    TASK [Allow HTTPS rule] ********************************************************
    12:38:38 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:38 PM
    12:38:38 PM
    TASK [Add one line to crowdsec config.yaml] ************************************
    12:38:39 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:39 PM
    12:38:39 PM
    TASK [Create a new directory www at given path] ********************************
    12:38:39 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:39 PM
    12:38:39 PM
    TASK [Create private key (RSA, 4096 bits)] *************************************
    12:38:41 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:41 PM
    12:38:41 PM
    TASK [Create simple self-signed certificate] ***********************************
    12:38:43 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:43 PM
    12:38:43 PM
    TASK [Check if the private key exists] *****************************************
    12:38:43 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:43 PM
    12:38:43 PM
    TASK [Renew self-signed certificate] *******************************************
    12:38:44 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:44 PM
    12:38:44 PM
    TASK [Check if a new kernel is available] **************************************
    12:38:44 PM
    changed: []
    12:38:44 PM
    12:38:44 PM
    TASK [Restart the server if new kernel is available] ***************************
    12:38:44 PM
    skipping: []
    12:38:44 PM
    12:38:44 PM
    TASK [Wait for the reboot and reconnect] ***************************************
    12:38:55 PM
    ok: []
    12:38:55 PM
    12:38:55 PM
    TASK [Check the Uptime of the servers] *****************************************
    12:38:55 PM
    changed: []
    12:38:55 PM
    12:38:55 PM
    TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
    12:38:55 PM
    ok: [] => {
    12:38:55 PM
    "Uptime.stdout": " 12:38:55 up 19 min, 2 users, load average: 0,84, 0,29, 0,10"
    12:38:55 PM
    12:38:55 PM
    12:38:55 PM
    PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
    12:38:55 PM : ok=21 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
    12:38:55 PM

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