Restic v0.16.1 released
Neue Version. Mit vielen Bugfixes usw.
Restic 0.16.1 Released
We are happy to announce the release of restic 0.16.1! This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
restic forum (
root@debian:~# restic self-update writing restic to /usr/bin/restic find latest release of restic at GitHub latest version is 0.16.1 download SHA256SUMS download SHA256SUMS.asc GPG signature verification succeeded download restic_0.16.1_linux_amd64.bz2 downloaded restic_0.16.1_linux_amd64.bz2 saved 24526848 bytes in /usr/bin/restic successfully updated restic to version 0.16.1 root@debian:~# restic version restic 0.16.1 compiled with go1.21.3 on linux/amd64 root@debian:~#
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