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Python3 - Struktur eines Projektes

  • Ich hatte mich gestern mal versucht ein wenig einzulesen, wie man ein Python Projekt strukturiert. Dabei habe ich wieder viele interessante Dingen gelernt.

    Eine Sache davon ist das hier

    requirements.txt erzeugen

    (restic_ui-RwXjz-0W) frank@frank-MS-7C37:~/restic_ui$ pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt

    Inhalt aktuell


    Meine aktuelle Struktur sieht so aus

    frank@frank-MS-7C37:~/Restic_UI_Produktiv/restic-ui-public$ tree
    ├── icons
    │   ├── add.svg
    │   ├── delete.svg
    │   ├── document-save.svg
    │   ├── edit.svg
    │   ├── exit.svg
    │   ├── folder-open.svg
    │   ├── help-info.svg
    │   ├── media-playback-start.svg
    │   ├── reload.svg
    │   ├── Restic_Logo.png
    │   ├── Restic_UI_main_screen.png
    │   └── settings.svg
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── log.txt
    ├── Pipfile
    ├── Pipfile.lock
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── src
        ├── __pycache__
        │   ├── crypt.cpython-38.pyc
        │   ├── functions.cpython-38.pyc
        │   ├── settings.cpython-38.pyc
        │   └── waitingspinnerwidget.cpython-38.pyc
    3 directories, 30 files

    Die Ansicht bekommt man mit

    apt install tree


  • 0 Stimmen
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    137 Aufrufe

    Hab ChatGPT nochmal nach der Installation auf einem Production Server befragt.


    Certainly! Here's a short example of the steps you can follow to deploy a Flask application on a production server using Nginx and Gunicorn:

    Prepare your server:

    Set up a server (e.g., using a cloud provider like AWS, DigitalOcean, or a dedicated server) and ensure it has a clean, up-to-date installation of a Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu or CentOS).

    Install required software:

    Install necessary software packages on your server. You'll need Python, pip (Python package manager), Nginx, and Gunicorn. You can use your distribution's package manager (e.g., apt for Ubuntu or yum for CentOS) to install these dependencies.

    Deploy your Flask application:

    Copy your Flask application code and any required dependencies to your server.

    Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

    Create a virtual environment for your Flask application to isolate its dependencies. You can use venv or virtualenv for this purpose.

    Install Flask and any required Python packages within your virtual environment:

    pip install flask

    Test your Flask application:

    Ensure your Flask application runs correctly within your server's virtual environment.

    Configure Gunicorn:

    Create a Gunicorn configuration file (e.g., to specify the settings for running your Flask application. Here's a simple example: workers = 4 # Number of Gunicorn worker processes bind = '' # The address and port Gunicorn should listen on

    Start Gunicorn:

    Start Gunicorn with your Flask application: gunicorn -c your_app:app

    Configure Nginx:

    Create an Nginx server block (often located in /etc/nginx/sites-available) to define how Nginx should handle incoming requests. Here's a simplified example: server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; # Pass requests to Gunicorn proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; } }

    Enable the Nginx server block and restart Nginx:

    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/your_config /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo nginx -t # Test Nginx configuration sudo systemctl restart nginx

    Configure your DNS:

    Point your domain name to your server's IP address.

    Secure your server (optional but recommended):

    Set up SSL/TLS certificates for your domain to enable HTTPS. You can use Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificates.

    Monitor your application:

    Set up monitoring tools and logs to keep track of your application's performance and troubleshoot any issues.

    These are the basic steps to deploy a Flask application on a production server with Nginx and Gunicorn. Please note that this is a simplified example, and there are many additional considerations, such as database configuration, security, and optimization, depending on your specific application and requirements. It's also important to keep your server and software up to date and follow security best practices to ensure the stability and security of your production environment.

    Das werde ich doch mal ausprobieren 😎

  • PyPi - Pakete ein Sicherheitsproblem?

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    Niemand hat geantwortet
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    Und mal hier parken

  • Python - mehrsprachiges GUI

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  • Restic UI - Documentation

    Restic UI
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  • 0 Stimmen
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    330 Aufrufe

    Kein globalen Variablen mehr im Projekt 🙂

    Das Widget ließ sich relativ einfach erledigen.

    Vorher #----QPlainTextEdit ----# layout = QVBoxLayout() widget = QTextEdit() widget.setReadOnly(True) widget.setLayout(layout) setCentralWidget(widget) Nachher #----QPlainTextEdit ----# layout = QVBoxLayout() self.widget = QTextEdit() self.widget.setReadOnly(True) self.widget.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget)

    Aufruf dann nicht mehr mit

    # UI widget.setHtml("")

    sondern mit

    # UI mainWin.widget.setHtml("")

    Problem erledeigt und hoffentlich auch verstanden 😉

  • Python3 - PyQt5 Layout

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  • Python3 - Eingabeformular

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    Meine endgültige Lösung, zu mindestens im Moment 😉 , ist ein zweites Window. Das gefällt mir am Besten, komme ich zu mindestens im Moment einfach besser mit klar. Aber, eines der größten Probleme war für mich, wie aktualisiere ich die Liste im Hauptfenster!? Da habe ich doch etliche Stunden dran rum gefummelt....

    Hier nur mal das Layout

    ##################### # Layout ##################### self.formGroupBox = QGroupBox("Form layout") layout = QFormLayout() layout.addRow(self.label_1) layout.addRow(QLabel("Backup Name:"), self.input1) layout.addRow(QLabel("Repository:"), self.button3) layout.addRow(QLabel("Source:"), self.button4) layout.addRow(QLabel("Password:"), self.input4) layout.addRow(self.label_6) layout.addRow(self.button2) self.formGroupBox.setLayout(layout) self.setLayout(layout)

    Das mit dem SecondWindow ist aber was aufwändiger. Da mach ich dann mal einen eigenen Beitrag zu. Aktuell sieht das so aus.
