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Hey, fediverse, I'm curious about following NodeBB accounts from Mastodon.

  • Speaking of broken models and social contracts.

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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ the default assumption is that announces are delivered back to the origin server in order to close the loop. However it is not a requirement. For example I am considering not doing so for group announces.
  • Really loving #NodeBB so far.

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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ glad to hear it! I'm planning to continue working on improving our ActivityPub integration in 2025, hopefully with NLNet funding again
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    @Pankaj-Soni yes and no... the enabling of the push notifications requires a discrete user action — the user has to actually press the switch to enable notifications. There are ways we can advertise this to end users, so I will look into adding those soon. For now, users will have to go into their user settings to enable push notifications.
  • NodeBB - Security Vulnerability Notifications

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  • NodeBB - Git Prozess

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    Heute gab es ein Update von 2.4.5 -> 2.5.0 Das oben geschriebene funktioniert nicht git fetch git reset --hard origin/v2.x ./nodebb upgrade Ausschnitt der Konsole ~/nodebb$ git fetch remote: Enumerating objects: 244, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (239/239), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done. remote: Total 244 (delta 160), reused 212 (delta 138), pack-reused 5 Receiving objects: 100% (244/244), 55.57 KiB | 7.94 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (160/160), completed with 62 local objects. From dd3e1a2861..01d276cbee v2.x -> origin/v2.x * [new branch] async-zxcvbn -> origin/async-zxcvbn 9260b4ef19..d06938d877 bootstrap5 -> origin/bootstrap5 884d40756a..8fe41d92a2 develop -> origin/develop a088eb19af..1076285dc9 master -> origin/master + b7d916c321...c85ac68373 renovate/ace-builds-1.x -> origin/renovate/ace-builds-1.x (forced update) * [new tag] v2.5.0 -> v2.5.0 :~/nodebb$ git reset --hard origin/v2.x HEAD is now at 01d276cbee chore: incrementing version number - v2.5.0 :~/nodebb$ ./nodebb upgrade Updating NodeBB...
  • NodeBB - Update auf v1.18.6

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  • NodeBB - Update auf 1.13.1

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    Kurze Ergänzung, heute Morgen dieses Forum hier aktualisiert. Wie erwartet geht es jetzt einfach durch. Bis auf ein Plugin, was nicht kompatibel mit der Version 1.13.x ist. Das ist aber eine andere Baustelle. Für interessierte Leser, hänge ich den Log an. ~/nodebb$ ./nodebb upgrade Updating NodeBB... 1. Updating package.json file with defaults... OK 2. Bringing base dependencies up to date... started > sharp@0.23.4 install /home/user_nodebb/nodebb/node_modules/sharp > (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy) info sharp Downloading internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:638 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module './index' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:15) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:562:25) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/user_nodebb/nodebb/node_modules/.bin/rc:2:10) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3) make: Entering directory '/home/user_nodebb/nodebb/node_modules/sharp/build' TOUCH Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ CXX(target) Release/ SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/ COPY Release/sharp.node make: Leaving directory '/home/user_nodebb/nodebb/node_modules/sharp/build' npm WARN nodebb-plugin-emoji-android@2.0.0 requires a peer of nodebb-plugin-emoji@^2.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN textcomplete.contenteditable@0.1.1 requires a peer of textcomplete@^0.14.2 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. added 2 packages from 1 contributor, updated 13 packages and audited 3687 packages in 35.671s 4 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 3. Checking installed plugins for updates... OK A total of 1 package(s) can be upgraded: * nodebb-plugin-2factor (2.6.4 -> 2.6.5) Proceed with upgrade (y|n)? n Package upgrades skipped. Check for upgrades at any time by running "./nodebb upgrade -p". 4. Updating NodeBB data store schema... Parsing upgrade scripts... 2019-12-22T07:52:31.428Z [4567/11002] - warn: [upgrade/appendPluginScripts] Unable to read plugin.json for plugin `nodebb-plugin-align-center`. Skipping. 2019-12-22T07:52:31.429Z [4567/11002] - warn: [upgrade/appendPluginScripts] Unable to read plugin.json for plugin `nodebb-plugin-blog-comments`. Skipping. 2019-12-22T07:52:31.429Z [4567/11002] - warn: [upgrade/appendPluginScripts] Unable to read plugin.json for plugin `nodebb-plugin-blog-comments2`. Skipping. 2019-12-22T07:52:31.430Z [4567/11002] - warn: [upgrade/appendPluginScripts] Unable to read plugin.json for plugin `nodebb-plugin-contact-page`. Skipping. 2019-12-22T07:52:31.430Z [4567/11002] - warn: [upgrade/appendPluginScripts] Unable to read plugin.json for plugin `nodebb-plugin-emoji-fontawesome`. Skipping. OK | 0 script(s) found, 84 skipped Schema update complete! 5. Rebuilding assets... started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.489Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] Building in parallel mode 2019-12-22T07:52:31.491Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.500Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] requirejs modules build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.501Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] client js bundle build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.503Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] admin js bundle build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.503Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] client side styles build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.504Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.504Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] templates build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.505Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] languages build started 2019-12-22T07:52:31.505Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] sounds build started 2019-12-22T07:52:32.493Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] sounds build completed in 0.988sec 2019-12-22T07:52:41.512Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] client side styles build completed in 10.009sec 2019-12-22T07:52:41.939Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] admin control panel styles build completed in 10.435sec 2019-12-22T07:52:51.628Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] plugin static dirs build completed in 20.136sec 2019-12-22T07:52:52.192Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] client js bundle build completed in 20.691sec 2019-12-22T07:52:52.192Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] admin js bundle build completed in 20.689sec 2019-12-22T07:52:58.054Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] languages build completed in 26.549sec 2019-12-22T07:53:01.537Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] templates build completed in 30.033sec 2019-12-22T07:53:02.409Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] requirejs modules build completed in 30.909sec 2019-12-22T07:53:02.412Z [4567/11002] - info: [build] Asset compilation successful. Completed in 30.921sec. NodeBB Upgrade Complete! Auch hier sieht man schön, wie das o.g. Paket heruntergeladen wird und gebaut wird!
  • NodeBB - Automatisch starten

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