v4.0.0 Upgrade Support
@cagatay loads fine: https://community.nodebb.org/post/https%3A%2F%2Fefelsefe.com%2Fpost%2F24380
I had to use the post URL though, to bring it in to this forum. I'll see if I can get the topic URL working instead.
The topic doesn't show up here automatically because there is no existing connection between this forum and yours.
@julian The manual addition feels odd because when I searched for your link, it appeared directly on my site and stayed there. However, my content did not appear on your site, neither as a link nor as normal content. If this connection is going to be made through manual addition, it doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.
@cagatay content discovery via ActivityPub is powered through follow relationships – I wrote more about that in our documentation
Content Discovery - NodeBB Documentation
Documentation portal for NodeBB Forum Software
When you "searched for my link", that is the same thing that I did for you. You instructed your NodeBB to load my topic/post, and conversely, I did the same to load your topic into this community.
The reason that right now it requires someone to search for it is because you don't follow me at NodeBB, and I don't follow you at efelsefe.com
once I follow your account, your topics will automatically show up here in my world category.
I have this error while upgrade to 4.0.0 :
2. Bringing base dependencies up to date... started npm error code ERESOLVE npm error ERESOLVE could not resolve npm error npm error While resolving: nodebb-plugin-emoji-one@4.0.0 npm error Found: nodebb-plugin-emoji@6.0.1 npm error node_modules/nodebb-plugin-emoji npm error nodebb-plugin-emoji@"6.0.1" from the root project npm error peer nodebb-plugin-emoji@"^5.0.0 || ^6.0.1" from nodebb-plugin-emoji-android@4.1.1 npm error node_modules/nodebb-plugin-emoji-android npm error nodebb-plugin-emoji-android@"4.1.1" from the root project npm error npm error Could not resolve dependency: npm error peer nodebb-plugin-emoji@"^5.0.0" from nodebb-plugin-emoji-one@4.0.0 npm error node_modules/nodebb-plugin-emoji-one npm error nodebb-plugin-emoji-one@"4.0.0" from the root project npm error npm error Conflicting peer dependency: nodebb-plugin-emoji@5.2.0 npm error node_modules/nodebb-plugin-emoji npm error peer nodebb-plugin-emoji@"^5.0.0" from nodebb-plugin-emoji-one@4.0.0 npm error node_modules/nodebb-plugin-emoji-one npm error nodebb-plugin-emoji-one@"4.0.0" from the root project npm error npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. npm error npm error npm error For a full report see: npm error /srv/nodebb/.npm/_logs/2025-01-23T16_21_06_646Z-eresolve-report.txt
@nono-lqdn Fixed by doing :
npm unl nodebb-plugin-emoji npm i nodebb-plugin-emoji
@julian If it is a one-sided follow instead of mutual, will it not be visible post?
I had tried the alpha and now have to go back to normal upgrade route.
aftergit fetch
it said Fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
whats going on here?
@cagatay I think so. If A follows B, then B sends stuff to A, but A doesn't send stuff to B.
@jdp23@neuromatch.social can you please update the category handles on discussions.thenexus.today? There was a bug that caused some categories to not respond to webfinger request appropriately, so they could not be found on fedi.
You can just change them from one handle to another, and then back again.
That should fix the issue with the testing category not being able to be found.
@julian done, thanks for looking at this!
while I've got you on the line ... i'm still experimenting with Bridgy Fed and last night i had somewhat unexpected results (although maybe it's just that my expectation is wrong). CCing @snarfed.org and @quillmatiq as well ...
There were three accounts involved:
* jon@discussions.thenexus.today and jdp23.thenexus.today (on Bluesky) are following each other
* thenexusofprivacy.net on Bluesky and jon@discussions.thenexus.today *aren't* following each other (but thenexusofprivacy.net *is* following ap.brid.gy, and bridges correctly in other situations)
jon@discussions.thenexus.today posted https://discussions.thenexus.today/topic/28/testing-federation-from-nodebb-to-bluesky-again-... and it federated correctly. Yay! Here's the bridged equivalent: https://bsky.app/profile/jon.discussions.thenexus.today.ap.brid.gy/post/3lgwoj4vkgbd2
jon@discussions.thenexus.today replied and it federated back. also yay!
but when thenexusofprivacy.net replied, it *didn't* federate back. not so yay.
Any idea what's going on?
If you have problems upgrading to v4.0.0, you can ask for help here.
I did upgrade to v4.0.1 yesterday and now have an issue displaying some forum posts on apple devices (under safari or chrome).
As example you can take a look at https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/19306/new-module-installer
Problem is the preview of the 4 images from the topic at the top right. On an iphone they are overlapping so you can not really operate.
Is there an option to disable this preview?
If you have problems upgrading to v4.0.0, you can ask for help here.
You can hide it with custom css in the ACP,
.topic-header [component="topic/thumb/list"] { display: none }
This is only happening on apple devices?
If you have problems upgrading to v4.0.0, you can ask for help here.
nothing changes v4.0.1
I think this ActivityPub implementation is only designed for NodeBB's own page. It’s not very useful for sites that use NodeBB. -
@baris looks to be Persona, could be a bug with the theme.
> You can hide it with custom css in the ACP, .topic-header [component="topic/thumb/list"] { display: none }
> This is only happening on apple devices?
android and normal browsers seems o.k. so far
> looks to be Persona, could be a bug with the theme.
yes it's Persona
@karsten13 https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-persona/commit/a45cbffc869018046a7c95a81662eba7a747613f
try persona 14.0.6, let me know if it works.
Out of curiosity: what plugin/setting does one need to use in order to get a header like the NodeBB.org forums? With the links up top.
Those are standard html widgets created at /admin/extend/widgets. They are placed in the brand widget area.
> try persona 14.0.6, let me know if it works.
@baris not really, thumbnails moved to the left but there are still the gray areas around them which overlap nearly the whole site