NodeBB v4.0.0 - Categories not following group actors
Yep! Still this link. Just note there's no settings panel (all just in the plug-in init function), and you'll have to git clone and npm link it to test, since its not ready for the usual method yet
GitHub - Arachnibot/nodebb-tag-to-category at dev
A starter kit for quickly creating NodeBB plugins. - GitHub - Arachnibot/nodebb-tag-to-category at dev
GitHub (
arachnibot@nodebb.arachnibot.comantwortete an zuletzt editiert von
GitHub - Arachnibot/nodebb-tag-to-category at dev
A starter kit for quickly creating NodeBB plugins. - GitHub - Arachnibot/nodebb-tag-to-category at dev
GitHub (
Yep! As above! You
arachnibot@nodebb.arachnibot.comantwortete an zuletzt editiert von
@Arachnibot should note you need to manually install with npm link, and configure via editing the plugin initialization right now, but its technically functional.