I think I need to cancel my trip to #fosdem, my body just isn't behaving this week & my cough has been inducing anxiety attacks and near vomiting.
I think I need to cancel my trip to #fosdem, my body just isn't behaving this week & my cough has been inducing anxiety attacks and near vomiting. I was optimistic that maybe just maybe I'd be able to do this, but I don't think I can.
thisismissem@hachyderm.ioantwortete an thisismissem@hachyderm.io zuletzt editiert von
I've had elevated anxiety levels for 2 weeks and it's left me really not doing great. I'm easily fatigued and just generally not feeling great.
julian@community.nodebb.organtwortete an thisismissem@hachyderm.io zuletzt editiert von
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io I'm so sorry to hear that. Feel better soon! You will be missed at FOSDEM